Literature · TravellingBooks & Bookazines, Christmas Gift Ideas for Artists, Christmas Gift Ideas for Designers, Christmas Gift Ideas for Last-Minute planners, Christmas Gift Ideas for Photographers, Christmas Gift Ideas for Travellers, Magazines
The Travel Almanac – Issue 25
The Travel Almanac Issue 25 has arrived. Commemorating the 25th issue, themed “Adventure”, we are happy to announce a relaunch of The Travel Almanac! For the first time since the inception of the publication in 2010, the magazine is being released in a larger hardcover format, with a new cover design focusing on the signature “TTA Globe” logo and fully revamped interior.CHF 36.00 (incl. VAT)In stockSold - 0/4 -
Food & Drink · TravellingChristmas Gift Ideas for Everyday Heroes, Christmas Gift Ideas for Last-Minute planners, Christmas Gift Ideas for Travellers, Gift guide, Magazines, Summer Reads
The Weekender Nr. 43
The Weekender Nr. 43 ist da. Die Winterausgabe nimmt Dich mit nach Ericeira, München, Kopenhagen, Dugi Otok, Wedding, Menorca, Brescia, Puerto Escondido, Wien.CHF 17.00 (incl. VAT)Last item in stockSold - 5/6 -
Adventure · Food & Drink · TravellingChristmas Gift Ideas for Adventurers, Christmas Gift Ideas for Last-Minute planners, Christmas Gift Ideas for Travellers, Gift guide, Magazines
The Female Explorer No. 8
The Female Explorer No. 8 ist da. Nicht selten dürfen Frauen unterwegs noch immer mit vielen Vorurteilen kämpfen. Und nicht selten zweifeln und hadern auch Frauen selbst mit ihren Träumen. Aus diesem Grund haben Sarah Mühl, Jessica Kunstmann, Nicole Berth, Maria Pham, Pauline Picker und Leonore Herzog The Female Explorer gegründet. Um ein Sprachrohr zu sein für diejenigen, die im Outdoor- und Reisebereich lange nur in der Nebenrolle zu sehen waren: Frauen mit Entdeckerinnen-Herz.CHF 20.00 (incl. VAT)In stockSold - 13/19 -
Adventure · Food & Drink · TravellingBundles, Christmas Gift Ideas for Adventurers, Christmas Gift Ideas for Last-Minute planners, Christmas Gift Ideas for Travellers, Gift guide, Magazines
The Female Explorer Bundle #1
Entdecke unser The Female Explorer-Bundle auf mit mindestens 20% Preisvorteil gegenüber den Einzelausgaben (erhältlich solange der Vorrat reicht): The Female Explorer Nr. 5, 6 und 8.CHF 68.80 (incl. VAT)2 items in stockSold - 1/3 -
Fashion · Photography · TravellingBooks & Bookazines, Christmas Gift Ideas for Fashion People, Christmas Gift Ideas for Photographers, Gift guide, Magazines, Summer Reads
Holiday Magazine – Issue 394 (New York)
Holiday Magazine Issue 394 (New York) is here and comes with different covers. Descending from the heights of Nepal, Holiday magazine celebrates the tenth anniversary of its rebirth by heading west for a unique issue on the ultimate city: New York.CHF 39.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Literature · TravellingBooks & Bookazines, Christmas Gift Ideas for Artists, Christmas Gift Ideas for Designers, Christmas Gift Ideas for Last-Minute planners, Christmas Gift Ideas for Photographers, Christmas Gift Ideas for Travellers, Magazines
The Travel Almanac – Issue 24
The Travel Almanac Issue 24 is here and features Marina Abramovic, Julia Nobis and Katsuhiro Harada. The 24th issue of The Travel Almanac, themed “Man vs. Machine”, is again packed with inspiring journeys and conversations, as well as spiritual and tangible travel advice. Includes contributions by and conversations with Marina Abramović, Julia Nobis, Katsuhiro Harada, Uffe Isolotto, Empress Of, Craig McDean, Theo Liu, Robbie Lawrence, Nadine Fraczkowski, Andrew Nuding, Quentin de Briey among others.CHF 29.00 (incl. VAT)Last item in stockSold - 0/1 -
Take Me To The Lakes – München (Weekender Edition)
Take Me To The Lakes München (Weekender Edition) ist erhältlich auf Die «Weekender Edition München» von Take Me to the Lakes stellt auf 336 Seiten die 50 schönsten Refugien in Wassernähe vor: Ob Märchenschlösser in Oberbayern, Baumhaus-Suiten im Salzburger Land, einsame Hüttenlager oder Architektenhäuser mit Blick über den Bodensee – die vorgestellten Unterkünfte verbinden Design mit einem authentischen Bekenntnis zu Tradition, Nachhaltigkeit und Handwerk.CHF 35.00 (incl. VAT)Last item in stockSold - 4/5 -
Nomad Magazine – Issue 16
Nomad Magazine Issue 16 (Traveling) delves into the profound impact of travel, exploring personal choices and inspirations. With two striking covers by Lord Norman Foster and RELVĀOKELLERMANN, the edition illuminates how travel shapes our worldview.CHF 26.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Food & Drink · TravellingChristmas Gift Ideas for Everyday Heroes, Christmas Gift Ideas for Last-Minute planners, Christmas Gift Ideas for Travellers, Gift guide, Magazines, Summer Reads
The Weekender Nr. 42
The Weekender Nr. 42 ist da. Die Sommerausgabe nimmt Dich mit nach Portugal, Puszta, Frankfurt, Witzhave, Bensheim, Marrakesch, Saigon und Düsseldorf.CHF 17.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Fashion · SustainabilityChristmas Gift Ideas for Everyday Heroes, Christmas Gift Ideas for Fashion People, Gift guide, Magazines, Summer Reads
Lissome Magazine – Issue 4
Lissome Magazine Issue 4 (Love Ethic) pays tribute to bell hooks’ influential work, All about Love: New Visions. Moving beyond the confines of romantic love, the author explores love as the foundation of life that touches on everything – love of self and others (and the more than human world), societal frameworks, the material world, justice, values and spirituality, as well as experiences of loss and healing. She advocates for a cultural shift towards a love ethic, affirming everyone’s right to freedom and a fulfilling life.CHF 36.00 (incl. VAT)In stockSold - 1/6 -
Culture · Travelling
Anthology Magazine Volume 20
Anthology Magazine Volume 20 is available now on A warm welcome to Volume 20 of Anthology, a milestone we’re thrilled to celebrate with you.CHF 17.00 (incl. VAT)2 items in stockSold - 3/5 -
Art · Design · Fashion · Photography
Modernroad Volume IV
Modernroad Volume IV (the Ecosystem Issue) is here. An issue on the merging and mixing of cultures. About the connections between the different industries that shape art and how all of them are moving towards a more sustainable future, more human and closer to the consumer.CHF 29.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out
of 33 Pages