Showing 13–24 of 135 results
Das Gartenmythen Bookazine ist da. Fünf grosse, zeitlose Gartenmythen haben wir für Euch entschlüsselt und kurzweilig, aber fundiert zu Papier gebracht. In einem Mix aus Bildreportagen, Interviews, Erfahrungs-Berichten, Kolumnen, Essays und einem Service-Teil samt grüner Adressen und Glossar.
CHF 29.90 (incl. VAT)
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Design · Digital Culture
Slanted Magazine Issue 41 (Amsterdam) is here. The Slanted team went to Amsterdam to check out the design scene and fell for the charm of the city’s century-old “bruine kroegen” (brown cafes). Seeking refuge after bike rides to design studios, they were quickly won over by the cozy ambiance, dark wood, old-fashioned decor, and the aroma of fried croquettes.
CHF 27.00 (incl. VAT)
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Culture · Design · Economy
The Entrepreneurs Issue 6 is available now on Issue 6 celebrates companies with a human touch and fresh suggestions that are offering fulfilling work. Here's how to start a meaningful venture, revive a brand or get ahead.
CHF 22.00 (incl. VAT)
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Art · Design · Photography
Ouf Magazine von KLUB NOIR ist jetzt erhältlich auf Das Künstler*innen-Kollektiv KLUB NOIR aus Zürich setzte Mitte 2020 dazu an, das Formenvokabular ihrer kreativen Ausschreitungen an der Wand im urbanen Kontext radikal zu erneuern. Anstelle der Zeichnung sollten nun selbst gebastelte Objekte – Assemblagen aus aufgelesenen, herumliegenden oder im Baumarkt gekaufte Materialien – den Ausgangspunkt für die Weiterentwicklung ihrer Motive bilden.
CHF 16.80 CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT) (incl. VAT)
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Culture · Fashion · Photography
MC1R Magazine Issue 7 (the Blow Up Issue) is available now on The magazine for redheads is the first art based and design forwarded independent print magazine project round about the culture of red hair worldwide.
CHF 23.00 (incl. VAT)
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Design · Digital Culture
Slanted Magazine Issue 39 (Stockholm) is available now on If you just think of IKEA, Greta, Abba, Sylvia, and Björn Borg or red wooden horses when you think of Sweden, you're far off. In the summer of 2021, the Slanted team travelled to Stockholm to take a close look at the contemporary design scene.
CHF 27.00 (incl. VAT)
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CHF 20.00 (incl. VAT)
Culture · Design · Economy
The Entrepreneurs Issue 5 is available on Smell a gap in the market? Look no further. ‘The Entrepreneurs’ is your guide to the people who have taken the leap and struck out on their own, from the club kids reinventing nightlife to the fashion brands with a simple recipe for success. Ready to join their ranks? This is where you should start.
CHF 22.00 (incl. VAT)
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Design · Digital Culture
Slanted Magazine Issue 38 (Colours) is here. It celebrates happiness, joy of life, power, symbolism, and the meaning of color. We look for contrast, colorful typography, gradients, fun, chaos, shock. We celebrate art, illustration, fashion, photography—but most of all we look for strong, meaningful graphic design though in a colorful way.
CHF 27.00 (incl. VAT)
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Food & Drink · Travelling
Das neue Transhelvetica-Buch (In 80 Stunden um die Welt) ist da und erhältlich bei Viele Reisetipps und Geschichten quer durch die Schweiz und einmal rund um die Welt – alles in einem handlichen Buch.
CHF 28.00 (incl. VAT)
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Design · Digital Culture
Slanted Magazine Issue 37 (AI) is available now on Issue 37 is about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on design and how these technologies can change our lives! Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has become—besides being an over-hyped buzzword across industries (that the design world is no exception to)—a reality. We debate about the impacts of A.I. and its subsets, machine and deep learning, and consider everything from virtual to augmented realities, and how these technologies may change our lives, jobs, and social relationships altogether.
CHF 25.00 (incl. VAT)
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Auslöser Magazine Issue 4 is available now at LOREM (not Ipsum). Auslöser Magazine is a biannual, bilingual (German & English) indie print magazine from Vienna (Austria) that focuses on the human stories behind the camera. Each issue features four in-depth photographer interviews, one company portrait behind the scenes and one camera in detail.
CHF 26.00 (incl. VAT)
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