Frankie Magazine
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 60
CHF 28.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outShake some confetti into your hair and grab the largest piece of cake you can find, frankie friends – our 10th birthday is upon us with issue 60 out now! Inside you'll find St Vincent being wise, suburban Chinese restaurants being kitsch and icing being put to uses you've probably never seen before.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 59
CHF 30.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outBreak out the Ice Vo-Vos and grab a mug of your favourite beige or brown liquid: issue 59 is on sale in Australia today and we think you'll find it a tiny bit spectacular.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 58
CHF 19.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outHooley dooley! Issue 58 is on sale, and you really only need one reason to buy it. John Waters – the trash-tastic brain behind Cry-Baby, Pecker and Hairspray – has agreed to be our agony aunt for one time only, and his life advice is, frankly, priceless.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 57
CHF 36.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outThis issue is BIG. And HEAVY. But mostly BIG. Big enough to include DIY designer envelopes. Big enough for extra-special greeting cards. And big enough for a massive, cute and super-handy 2014 wall planner in addition to our usual two-month calendar and poster.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 56
CHF 19.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outIssue 56 of our fair magazine is out now – dare we say it – it's pretty bitchin'. We've got an ode to first sharehouses, chats with cat ladies, the quietest of quiet furniture, well-dressed beds and a look at the '80s British indie scene (hello Morrissey and much floppy hair!).
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 55
CHF 19.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outHello frankie nation! Issue 55 is on sale and there are many wondrous things inside its covers. A jaunty salute to Dr Who through the decades. A non-creepy look at the secret world of ventriloquists. A chat with three queer lady couples about romance and marriage equality.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 54
CHF 18.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outSheesh, it's been a while, hasn't it? Not to worry – the new issue of frankie is on newsstands today and just between us it's a bit of a winner.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 53
CHF 18.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outPrepare to have your socks blown off, frankie types – issue 53 is on sale and just between us, it's a bit of a doozy.
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 52
CHF 19.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outTime flies, doesn't it? (We wish it didn't.) It seems like only yesterday we were sitting around dreaming up good things to pop into our March/April issue and here we are – frankie 52 is all grown up and ready to toddle out into the real world today. Eek!
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 51
CHF 18.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outThere's no point us acting all cool and casual about this, so here goes. Insert ecstatic hyperventilating noises at will. Issue 51 kicks off with an interview with Molly freakin' Ringwald!
Design · Food & Drink · Travelling
Frankie Magazine – Issue 50
CHF 19.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outBlood, sweat, tears, cake-nibbling, trips to the country, nostalgic viewings of Twin Peaks ... frankie issue 50 has taken a lot of doing, but finally it's gone out into the world to make friends and influence people.
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