KAJET Journal
KAJET Journal is developed, designed and printed in Bucharest, Romania. It is a journal of Eastern European encounters that seeks to be more than just a mere signal from the periphery—essentially, to move beyond a purely anecdotal understanding of Eastern Europe. Inside Eastern Europe — an urgent and topical subject matter that needs to be actively represented through the medium of independent publishing. In our attempts to approach scholarly interests with an informal overtone, we provide a platform for academics to co-exist with artists; in this way, KAJET Journal becomes an alternative space where Eastern European encounters are brought to the fore for the steady reader and for the culturally inquisitive Flâneur and Flâneuse.
Kajet Journal
- Country: Romania
- Language: English
- Frequency: 1 issue/year
- Culture · Society
KAJET Journal No. 5 (on Easternfuturism)
KAJET Journal No. 5 (on Easternfuturism) is available now on loremnotipsum.com. The main intention of the fifth issue of Kajet Journal is to tentatively sketch a re-conceptualisation of Eastern Europe’s future: to formulate a novel prototype of Easternfuturism, one that is by no means exhaustive but should be read as an invitation for new cultural, artistic, and activist entities to develop their own understandings of the concept.CHF 34.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out - Culture · Society
KAJET Journal No. 4 (on Periphery)
KAJET Journal No. 4 (on Periphery) is here. KAJET Journal is a journal of Eastern European encounters. In the case of Eastern Europe, it is the very fluid history of the region that makes it the perfect site for critically delving into its troubled relationship with the notion of utopia.CHF 25.00 (incl. VAT)In stockSold - 0/3 - Culture · Society
KAJET Journal No. 3 (on Struggle)
KAJET Journal No. 3 (on Struggle) is here. KAJET Journal is a journal of Eastern European encounters. In the case of Eastern Europe, it is the very fluid history of the region that makes it the perfect site for critically delving into its troubled relationship with the notion of utopia.CHF 22.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out - Culture · Society
KAJET Journal No. 2 (on Utopias)
KAJET Journal No. 2 (on Utopias) is available now. KAJET Journal is a journal of Eastern European encounters. In the case of Eastern Europe, it is the very fluid history of the region that makes it the perfect site for critically delving into its troubled relationship with the notion of utopia.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out - Culture · Society
KAJET Journal No. 1 (on Communities)
KAJET Journal No. 1 (on Communities) is available now. KAJET Journal is a journal of Eastern European encounters. In the case of Eastern Europe, it is the very fluid history of the region that makes it the perfect site for critically delving into its troubled relationship with the notion of utopia.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out