Philosophy Magazine
Philosophy magazine from Budapest features talented young Hungarian artists: photographers, fashion professionals, models and writers can get the chance to introduce their works in the free fashion magazine, which creates a clean and bold environment. Philosophy’s mission is to fill the gap and provide the currently missing chance for the professionals and emerging talents to raise awareness of Hungarian fashion and art enthusiasts, but of course to create opportunity to reach the international audience too.
Philosophy Magazine
- Country: Hungary
- Language: English
- Frequency: 2 issues/year
- Art · Fashion · Photography
Philosophy Magazine No. 10
Philosophy Magazine No. 10 (Winter-Spring 2018) is out now. With today’s cultural and political circumstances, it’s impossible to not have an opinion. We have one and we are keen to share it on the pages of Philosophy. Based out of Budapest, created by a small community of friends, we work on providing opportunities to inspiring artists and fashion professionals, fine artists, and writers, to present an in-depth observation of current happenings in fashion, art, politics and music and to join the creative flow across London, Paris, Budapest and Tokyo.CHF 23.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out
of 1 Pages