Summer Reads
Food & Drink
Table Magazine Volume 8
Table Magazine Volume 8 celebrates stories of fortitude and resilience. The pages are filled of the gentle magic people have woven into the everyday, even in the hardest of circumstances. We see and honour their strength in these stories, and celebrate the bright hope they carry. May some of it find you through each page.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT)In stock -
Kinfolk Magazine – Issue 54
Kinfolk Magazine Issue 54 (the Party Issue) is available now on This issue of Kinfolk, which publishes just in time for the holiday season, draws on our origins as a guide for small gatherings and celebrates coming together—whether round a table, at a wedding, for cocktails or during the holidays—as a meaningful pursuit.CHF 25.00 (incl. VAT)In stock -
Food & Drink · Travelling
The Weekender Nr. 43
The Weekender Nr. 43 ist da. Die Winterausgabe nimmt Dich mit nach Ericeira, München, Kopenhagen, Dugi Otok, Wedding, Menorca, Brescia, Puerto Escondido, Wien.CHF 17.00 (incl. VAT)Last item in stock -
Kinfolk Magazine – Issue 53
Kinfolk Magazine Issue 53 (the Seoul Issue) is available now on Inside Issue Fifty-Three, our team draws on this deep-rooted connection to reveal the slower side of Seoul. You’ll find over forty pages dedicated to the best the Korean capital has to offer: our favourite neighbourhoods, coffee shops and bakeries, natural wine bars, restaurants, local fashion brands, museums and galleries, plus surprising information you.CHF 25.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Fashion · Photography · Travelling
Holiday Magazine – Issue 394 (New York)
Holiday Magazine Issue 394 (New York) is here and comes with different covers. Descending from the heights of Nepal, Holiday magazine celebrates the tenth anniversary of its rebirth by heading west for a unique issue on the ultimate city: New York.CHF 39.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Art · Fashion
Purple Fashion Magazine Issue 42
CHF 54.00 (incl. VAT) Sold outPurple Fashion Magazine Issue 42 (The Magic Issue) is available now on Purple Fashion magazine is high quality, chunky and seriously good, published in France, printed in both English and French.
Openhouse Magazine – Issue 22
CHF 27.00 (incl. VAT)Openhouse Magazine Issue 22 is filled with beautiful photography, interesting interviews of people who open special places around the world that the reader can visit and join in with the activities.
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Backstage Talks – Issue 8
Backstage Talks Issue 8 (Keep Goings). What does it take to keep going? How can we make sure our work is sustainable in all senses of the word? How do we know what is enough in a world that demands constant growth? Do we have enough patience for the things that take time? And shouldn’t we just quit? We asked world-class creatives, including Jessica Hische, Pablo Rochat, Wilfrid Wood, DIA Studio and Emily Keegin, to help us figure it out.CHF 28.00 (incl. VAT)In stock -
Kinfolk Magazine – Issue 52
Kinfolk Magazine Issue 52 (the Influence Issue) is here. For The Influence Issue, Kinfolk is exploring the powerful currents that shape our world and sway our decisions: power, money, politics—and other people.CHF 25.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Nomad Magazine – Issue 16
Nomad Magazine Issue 16 (Traveling) delves into the profound impact of travel, exploring personal choices and inspirations. With two striking covers by Lord Norman Foster and RELVĀOKELLERMANN, the edition illuminates how travel shapes our worldview.CHF 26.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Food & Drink
Table Magazine Volume 7
Table Magazine Volume 7 explores the concept of Togetherness. From desserts that taste best when shared, like our Almond & Honey Cake, to Courgette Carbonara made by mother and daughter. Drinks writer & broadcaster Abbie Moulton explores the age-old adage "what grows together, goes together". Food writer and self-professed egg enthusiast Ed Smith is on a mission to increase egg consumption in his piece ‘Happiness is Egg Shaped’.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out -
Food & Drink · Travelling
The Weekender Nr. 42
The Weekender Nr. 42 ist da. Die Sommerausgabe nimmt Dich mit nach Portugal, Puszta, Frankfurt, Witzhave, Bensheim, Marrakesch, Saigon und Düsseldorf.CHF 17.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out
of 29 Pages