ad·ven·ture | An adventure is an exciting or unusual experience. It may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome. Adventures may be activities with some potential for physical danger such as traveling, exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, river rafting or participating in other extreme sports. The term also broadly refers to any enterprise that is potentially fraught with physical, financial or psychological risk, such as a business venture, or other major life undertakings. The word adventuress can mean a female who enjoys or partakes in adventures, but (particularly in older literature) it can also have the negative connotation of one who schemes for material advancement by the use her sexuality; a gold digger. As an instance of the latter the Oxford English Dictionary cites “Our Adventuress had the pickings of a few Feathers from an old Gentleman who fell in Love with her”. — Wikipedia
- Adventure · Sports · Travelling
Sidetracked Magazine – Volume 30
Sidetracked Magazine Volume 30 (The Art of Journey) is here, a special 10-year anniversary edition. The stories in Volume 30 seek to contribute something of lasting value to the world, going far beyond furthests and fastests. Adventure as art.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT)Last item in stock - Adventure · Food & Drink · Travelling
The Female Explorer No. 8
The Female Explorer No. 8 ist da. Nicht selten dürfen Frauen unterwegs noch immer mit vielen Vorurteilen kämpfen. Und nicht selten zweifeln und hadern auch Frauen selbst mit ihren Träumen. Aus diesem Grund haben Sarah Mühl, Jessica Kunstmann, Nicole Berth, Maria Pham, Pauline Picker und Leonore Herzog The Female Explorer gegründet. Um ein Sprachrohr zu sein für diejenigen, die im Outdoor- und Reisebereich lange nur in der Nebenrolle zu sehen waren: Frauen mit Entdeckerinnen-Herz.CHF 18.00 (incl. VAT)In stock - Adventure · Sports · Travelling
Sidetracked Magazine – Volume 29
Sidetracked Magazine Volume 29 is here. This volume of Sidetracked champions connection and engagement over taking the easy way. Intentionally taking the hard path, turning away from ease and comfort to strengthen something in our souls, requires effort – but can reveal our sense of purpose.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT)In stock - Adventure · Food & Drink · Travelling
The Female Explorer No. 7
The Female Explorer No. 7 (Herbst/Winter) ist da. Das erste gedruckte Outdoor-Magazin von und für Frauen geht in die siebte Runde und nimmt Dich mit auf Abenteuer zu Land und Luft sowie in, auf und unter Wasser!CHF 33.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out - Adventure · Sports · Travelling
Sidetracked Magazine – Volume 28
Sidetracked Magazine Volume 28 (Always A Little Further) is here. In adventure, success often comes from pushing past limits, breaching comfort zones, stretching your abilities. But the thing about adventure is that success is not guaranteed – nor is safety.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT)In stock - Adventure · Sports · Travelling
Sidetracked Magazine – Volume 27
Sidetracked Magazine Volume 27 (Embracing the Creativity of the Unknown) is here. It isn’t an adventure until things go wrong, but in the unknown lies opportunity. To be creative, to grasp a flare of insight and see the world anew, is what it means to be human – but sometimes we must let go of our need to be in control, and instead accept that nature is in charge.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT)Last item in stock - Adventure · Sports · Travelling
Sidetracked Magazine – Volume 26
Sidetracked Magazine Volume 26 (Mother Nature) is here. Mother Nature. She is awe-inspiring, beautiful, and majestic. She holds all of the earth’s species, ecosystems, and landscapes – the platforms from which we launch our adventures. Yet with great responsibility comes great power.CHF 21.00 (incl. VAT)2 items in stock - Adventure · Food & Drink · Travelling
The Female Explorer No. 6
The Female Explorer No. 6 ist da. Das erste gedruckte Outdoor-Magazin von und für Frauen geht in die sechste Runde und nimmt uns mit auf Abenteuer zu Land und Luft sowie in, auf und unter Wasser!CHF 33.00 (incl. VAT)In stock - Adventure · Architecture · Design · Travelling
The Outsiders – New Outdoor Creativity
The Outsiders showcases the outlook and passions of the new creative scene that has emerged and draws inspiration from this development along with its original products, brands, and ideas.CHF 50.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out - Adventure · Sports · Travelling
Sidetracked Magazine – Volume 25
Sidetracked Magazine Volume 25 (Finding Hope in the Unknown) is here. The unknown both scares and excites us. It prompts journeys of discovery that move us forward, both as stewards of this planet and individuals. The unknown is an agent of hope – and hope is needed, in expedition life as well as facing the challenges of the future.CHF 24.00 (incl. VAT)2 items in stock - Adventure · Food & Drink · Travelling
The Female Explorer No. 5
The Female Explorer No. 5 ist da. „Manchmal müssen wir die Kälte spüren, um unser eigenes Feuer zu nähren. Mit roten Wangen und gefrorenen Wimpern durch den Tiefschnee stapfen, entlang vereister Wände klettern oder ins eiskalte Wasser tauchen.“CHF 33.00 (incl. VAT)In stock - Adventure · Food & Drink · Travelling
Folklife Magazine Volume 6
Folklife Magazine Volume 6 is available now on Another issue of the premium award-winning semiannual Island lifestyle magazine is here. Filled with trademark love and warmth, this 128-page captivating read explores the complicated idea of money plus being chock-full of so much more!CHF 27.00 (incl. VAT) Sold out