Boneshaker Magazine – Issue 15

CHF 15.00 (incl. VAT)

Boneshaker Magazine Issue 15 is out now. It’s the biggest and most adventurous issue yet, full of wonderful bike stories, illustrations and photography.

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The reasons we ride are as varied as the places we ride through. Thousands of miles are covered in the next hundred pages: our brave writers journey underground and back in time, through America, across the Balkans, over the Alps and the Himalayas and on around the world. Twice. But for all these vast distances, the greatest journey they each make is in the mind, as the wheels spin, the heart expands and the self unwinds to a distant horizon…

Published by Boneshaker Magazine
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
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Article No. bfboneshaker0015
Weight 320 g

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