Boneshaker Magazine – Issue 8

CHF 15.00 (incl. VAT)

Boneshaker Magazine Issue 8 is out now. Ever eaten a bear? Raced your bike through a strange Austrian’s apartment? This issue tries both.

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Boneshaker Magazine Issue 8 is out now. Ever eaten a bear? Raced your bike through a strange Austrian’s apartment? This issue tries both.

With its outstanding cover by Illustrator Stevie Gee, with more than a little nod to Kraftwerk’s ‘Tour de France’ artwork (albeit in Stevie’s unique style), this issue hits hard from the get-go. With the usual heady mix of bike poetry, chain art from Korea and a vivid account of one man’s memories of a crash, there is a something unusual at the turn of every page. The contributors have outdone themselves with the quality of their writing, photography and illustration and Boneshaker are proud as punch to share them with you in the pages of Boneshaker Magazine issue 8.

Boneshaker Magazine is a publication from Bristol (UK) and a celebration of cycling and the people who do it. Full of articles, personal stories and anecdotes about people and projects doing great things with bicycles around the globe. It is our hope that the magazine will both inspire and entertain, raise awareness and bring a smile to your face. Appealing to both bike-heads and those who may not yet have experienced the true joy and freedom that can be found from our two-wheeled friends.

Published by Boneshaker Magazine
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Article No. bfboneshaker0008
Weight 250 g
Dimensions 24 × 20 × 1 cm

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