Boneshaker Magazine Issue 9 is out now. From diggin’ mud to diggin’ bike porn, issue 9 pulls together some pretty varied articles.
They shed some light on Bike Move (yes, thats people moving house by bike), take a look at La Ciclovia – a regular hiatus from car-filled streets in Bogota, Columbia – and for those still firmly into gears, they showcase the weird and wonderful creations of Disraeli Gears. Even Turner Prize winning artist Jeremy Deller gets a look in…! Many of the projects have a real ‘go ahead and do-it-yourself’ feel and Boneshaker hope the magazine inspires you to do the same.
Boneshaker Magazine is a publication from Bristol (UK) and a celebration of cycling and the people who do it. Full of articles, personal stories and anecdotes about people and projects doing great things with bicycles around the globe. It is our hope that the magazine will both inspire and entertain, raise awareness and bring a smile to your face. Appealing to both bike-heads and those who may not yet have experienced the true joy and freedom that can be found from our two-wheeled friends.