The Happy Reader – Issue 10

CHF 15.00 (incl. VAT)

The Happy Reader Issue 10 is available now on! In Issue 10, our summer classic is Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We. The magazine is centred on the concept of ‘precious print’, as embodied by Penguin Classics and Fantastic Man.

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The Happy Reader Issue 10 is available now on! In Issue 10, our summer classic is Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We. The magazine is centred on the concept of ‘precious print’, as embodied by Penguin Classics and Fantastic Man. It explores the myriad advantages of the printed word and image: beautiful typography, high dwell time, the matte charm of ink on paper, the calming luxury of being ‘offline’. The magazine is a design object in and of itself.

The Happy Reader is a unique magazine about reading for anyone who wishes to stay inspired, informed and entertained. With beautiful typography, the magazine is a design object which celebrates the pure pleasure of reading and the calming luxury of being offline. Each issue is split into two halves. The first half is an in-depth interview with a book fanatic and the second half gets under the skin of one classic work of literature. The concept of the magazine is excitingly simple: the first half is a long-form interview with a notable book fanatic and the second half explores one Penguin Classics title from an array of surprising and invigorating angles, through fashion, art, lifestyle, history, film and more. The Happy Reader is published four times per year. The magazine is centred on the concept of ‘precious print’, as embodied by Penguin Classics and Fantastic Man. It explores the myriad advantages of the printed word and image: beautiful typography, high dwell time, the matte charm of ink on paper, the calming luxury of being ‘offline’. The magazine is a design object in and of itself.

Details: The Happy Reader – Issue 10

64 pages, 24.5 × 17 cm, Softcover

Published by The Happy Reader
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Article No. bfhappyread0010
Weight 250 g

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