Boneshaker Magazine – Issue 11

CHF 13.00 (incl. VAT)

Boneshaker Magazine Issue 11 is out now. Over its 64 perfect-bound and advert-free pages, our latest issue includes bicycle walls of death, hump-backed scorchers from the 19th Century, bikes and bad politics.

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Boneshaker Magazine Issue 14 features a photo essay on an unseen side of Keirin racing, tall-bikes as a tool for challenging conformity and a song-singing cycle ride to India, amongst other things… Cycling makes me feel alive. Not in the sense of being warmed from cryogenic sleep, more like doing a dance in a hailstorm in my underpants. It wakes me up. It pins me to the noticeboard of life. And Issue 11 of Boneshaker is full of bright jubilant blinks of art, music, danger, wonder, joy and strangeness that whisk the tears from your eyes like a downhill ride on a blustery day. If you’ve got a bell on your bike ping it, if you’ve got a horn on your bike honk it and if you’ve got nothing else just pull up your underpants, let go the brakes and sing. Welcome to issue #11!

Published by Boneshaker Magazine
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Article No. bfboneshaker0011
Weight 250 g

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