Printed Pages Issue 5 is out now. We’ve also made our first foray into photographic front covers, inviting Maurizio Di Iorio to create a beautiful still life image that for him, is the epitome of spring. We’ve also used heavier paper stocks throughout, and even thrown in a coated section for good measure. Inside we speak to designer and illustrator Lotta Nieminen about her favourite design objects, visit the studio of fashion designer Aitor Throup, interview long-term Radiohead collaborator Stanley Donwood about the stories that inspire him and have a good old natter with the team from Modern Toss. There’s features on unorthodox sports photography, gallery invigilators and senior writer of HBO’s Girls, Lesley Arfin, waxes lyrical on the theme of Nice. We also got Rookie’s Editor-in-Chief Tavi Gevinson to discuss doing things differently with illustrator and long-term collaborator Minna Gilligan, spent a weekend with Richard Turley as he designed a special edition of ‘SUP, and pestered illustrator Jean Jullien about the ugliest thing he loves.
Printed Pages Magazine is a publication from the people at the well-known It’s Nice That (London). Printed Pages is an arts and design magazine which focusses on depth and discovery, combining engaging and accessible content with top-notch design values. The Printed Pages Magazine was launched in 2013 and is published quarterly and mixes fantastic creative pedigree with economical pagination to present a fun, focused read.