Water Journal – Volume 3

CHF 19.00 (incl. VAT)

Water Journal Volume 3 is out now. From salt pools of the sacred valley in Peru to hidden caves in the quiet town of Sintra and a trip across the driest desert in the world, we invite you to explore captivating stories from all around the globe.

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Water Journal Volume 3 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. From salt pools of the sacred valley in Peru to hidden caves in the quiet town of Sintra and a trip across the driest desert in the world, we invite you to explore captivating stories from all around the globe. Volume 3° features a contemplation of the delicate structure of seaweed, the process of creating Spirulina paintings, ceremonial practise of Spirit Medicine and many more stories by talented contributors who made it come to life.

Water Journal is a bi-annual print publication exploring the beauty and complexity of all things water. The magazine is a quiet exploration of all things water, celebrating its undeniable beauty and complexity. It exists to tell honest stories about one’s connection with water, whether it’s of a personal matter or on a global scale. Being entirely advertising-free and proudly independent, it thrives on real stories by real people. Born purely out of love for water and print, Water Journal is intended to be held in one’s hands, experienced in person and kept like a book. We want you to take your time to truly immerse yourself in beautiful and captivating stories, translated through sustainable print. The magazine was crowdfunded on Kickstarter.com by Edvinas Bruzas, Founder & Editor.


Jonas Jungblut (cover photography), Kim Høltermand, Lotte de Raadt, Rebecca Ley, Axel Sigurðarson, Nicole Patel, Matthew Johnson, Naomi Hill, Toby Mitchell, Fred Tougas, Beth Squire, Mitchell Hollander, Juan Fabuel, Urban Koi, Nirit Gur Karby, Eduardo Cerruti, Stephanie Draime, David Alvarado, Cydney French, Steven Xue, Lehman Pekkola, Thomasina Legend, Luis Lazo, James Aiken, Ethan Porter, Víctor González.

Details: Water Journal – Volume 3

200 pages, perfect bound and printed in full colour on FSC-approved uncoated paper. Published in London, UK.

Published by Water Journal
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Article No. bfwaterjourn0003
Weight 800 g

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