Considered magazine Volume 2 is out now. In Volume 2 we travel to Bali, Indonesia and visit Green School, an awe-inspiring school with a core focus on education for sustainability, reflect on the Balinese culture. We embrace the wilderness of the Scottish Highlands and Hebrides. We explore the concept of circular economy, discuss the human cost of fast fashion and learn about cobalt, a key component in our everyday electronics that has dark origins.
In our Considered Style editorial, which was shot in Europe’s largest urban nature reserve – Walthamstow Wetlands, we showcase clothing from slow and ethical brands that we admire.
We interview Tanmay Saxena – Designer and Founder of LaneFortyfive, a highly conceptual, London-based fashion brand with a focus on ethical and sustainable clothing production, and Lauren – Designer and Creator of Ara the altar, a slow jewellery brand crafting minimal, earth-aware pieces made from 100% recycled gold and silver.
In the Considered Home chapter, we get inspired by a photographic journal of a slow home in Norway and in our Homewares editorial, we showcase sustainably-made items from small scale and independent artisans.
We explore the concept of Slow Food and why gathering to eat is important, learn about apps to help us reduce food waste, and more.
Considered magazine is an independently published, bi-annual print magazine exploring sustainable lifestyle, thoughtful design and mindful travel. Considered magazine explores sustainability as a concept and a practice, with the intention of raising awareness of sustainability issues from an environmental, social and economic perspective and encouraging discussion. We aim to inspire a simpler and more considered lifestyle by drawing on international sustainability and wellbeing practices, by exploring mindful travel experiences and by referencing our own inspirations which are often found in nature, architecture and art. We work with a community of photographers, creatives, writers, community groups and on-location locals providing a platform for them to tell their story and inspire and inform our readers.
100 full colour pages, perfectly bound. FSC paper from sustainable sources with vegetable ink.