GOOD Magazine “The GOOD 100” (Issue 017)

CHF 18.00 (incl. VAT)

We spent the last few months consulting with the entire good community—readers, thought leaders, staffers, the old guy at the bar—to create a list of people, businesses, projects, organizations, and ideas that will be improving the planet and the lives of the people on it.

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Of course, there were many nominees who fit that criteria. Those that made the cut were chosen—in an absurdly complex process of nomination, ranking, and voting—because they are going to be important to you right now, and in the coming months and years. Our list ranges from cities racing to become the most electric-vehicle friendly to gardeners illegally fertilizing with human waste, neighbors banding together to change the economics of solar power to scholars pressing for new approaches to international aid. Here are 100 (or so) ways to get inspired.

Published by GOOD Magazine
Manufactured in USA
Available in English
Article No. bfgood0017
Weight 300 g

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