Gym Class magazine Issue 15 is available now. This issue, the first that has been co-produced with an art director onboard, focuses unselfishly on the future, on the magazines to be. We get articles on dealing with self-doubt and imposter syndrome in the self-publishing industry (remember, you’re not on your own, collaborate!), a useful ten commandments of independent publishing (don’t just make it look good!), and the rules of good cover design (imagine, tattoos were once off the page when it came to that cover shot – now one in three of us have them). Elsewhere Magculture’s Jeremy Leslie introduces us to Japanese magazine publishing, we get to meet photographer Christopher Anderson and celebrate his beautiful body of work and the very genial Andrew Diprose (I met him last week and he was such a nice chap) talks about the covers of the UK edition of Wired Magazine.
Gym Class magazine is a magazine about magazines, but more so. From its own ever-changing, dynamic layout to the engaging content with writers, editors, illustrators and designers, Gym Class is a masthead above the competition.
An editorial is rarely a section of a magazine which crowds for the highlight spot, but this one is different, this one is a goodbye. Sage words about the industry, heart break about something personal being lost and hopefully, somewhere, a new beginning for this excellent editor.