Nomad Magazine Issue 11 (Purpose Economy) is available now on The need for a meaningful form of economy, mindful of the common good and the environment, is omnipresent and our chosen issue’s theme. We want to show how purpose economy reinvents the world and give deep insights from a business, social and design/architectural perspective.
For issue 11 Nomad Magazine we found selected protagonists to talk about this next generation of business – whose primary drivers are not power, influence or profit, but who seek to make a positive impact – as well as protagonists who have a strong opinion about how essential the related shift of mind is.
We talked to Carson Chan, MoMA New York, to understand how architecture is redefined. SHIFT a company founded by brothers Carsten and Samuel Waldeck, that strives to do ‘as much good as we can and as little harm as possible in the process’. Prof. Martin R. Stuchtey, co-founder of SYSTEMIQ, accelerating and shaping the transition to circular industrial systems. Maike Kauffmann and Christoph Bietz from Purpose Foundation, Berlin. Their organization has the declared mission of “rethinking ownership to transform the economy”, seeking to recreate business on a fairer and more sustainable footing by redefining the nature of corporate investment.
Architect Pia Maier Schriever, who is a member of the high-level round table of the EU Commission’s New European Bauhaus initiative gives insights about her personal efforts to forge connections between our cultural heritage and climate protection, and about a new aesthetic understanding and new typologies for the twenty-first century.
Jutta Werner, who was travelling in the Himalayas when she came across the perfect base material for a collection of sustainable rugs: remnants from sweet bag production. Klaus Peter Radtke’s story tells the global and social aspects of setting up a neem plantation in Mauritania.
And there are many more fascinating articles besides – on lamp manufacturer Midgard, sustainable swimwear label MYMARINI, pioneering thinker Andreas Murkudis, and Günes Seyfarth, founder of a social food initiative.
Nomad is a magazine for design and society. It views design as a process of shaping the future and as a catalyst for social developments and individual lifestyles. Nomad magazine seeks to change the perspective of design from its status as something extraordinary to a more run-of-the-mill concept, as this gives rise to natural appreciation. Alongside a focus on the end result of the design process and the designers themselves, other aspects are explored through which the effects and future potential of design culture for individuals and society as a whole are investigated within the framework of a broader understanding of design. In this way, Nomad seeks to take new stances. Nomad offers views on a wide range of standpoints: personal and economic, cultural and global. This means that Nomad covers a wide range of subjects, in which design, social and lifestyle issues are inspirationally juxtaposed with questions on designing the future. Nomad is a magazine for new design culture, business affairs and contemporary lifestyle.
Maike Kauffmann & Christoph Bietz: Economy with Purpose — Martin R. Stuchtey: We Need Systemiq Change — Klaus Peter Radtke: The Dream of Greening the Desert — Carsten & Samuel Waldeck: Point, Purpose & Passion — Carson Chan: Blue Revolution — Günes Seyfarth: Food Saver — Pia Maier Schriever: We need a new Building Culture — David Einsiedler: Adjustable Light — Andreas Murkudis: 10 things that one can no longer buy — Jutta Werner: Weaving Stories — Mareen Burk: If we don’t do it, who will?
Details: Nomad Magazine – Issue 11
192 pages, offset-printed and perfect bound, full color on uncoated and coated paper.