Nomad Magazine Issue 7 (The New Reality Issue) is available now on The new links between disciplines and technologies being built by visionary designers, artists, scientists and architects are currently unveiling options for the future of our primary needs: how we live, what we eat, how we dress. Signs which – if indeed they come to pass despite their occasional outlandishness – may tomorrow be viewed as harbingers of a new age: The New Reality.
We meet with New York-based fashion designer Suzanne Lee, who has spent many years exploring the possibility of manufacturing materials based on microorganisms with radically low environmental impact, which could revolutionise our use of leather and cotton.
nomad 7 text In our interview by Kimberly Bradley, architect David Chipperfield spoke with the luxury of far-sightedness, discussing architecture and its opportunities to cast influence. “Architects have no power, designers have no power – unless we leverage it. At one time architecture was far more connected to social advocacy… We’ve been working for investors and not society. That has to change”, believes Chipperfield.
Canadian-British designer Philippe Malouin has devised an aesthetic that captures a new language of form. His studio is small, his working methods unconventional – the office is closed every Friday without fail. And yet it works: Philippe is currently one of the most sought-after designers in the world. nomad visited him in his London studio. Designer Marije Vogelzang has chosen a remarkable path; as an ‘eating designer’, she experiments with food and incorporates personal and sociocultural experiences associated with food and eating into her work. We visited Marije’s refreshing universe of ideas in Dordrecht.
Our interview in Copenhagen with Liza Chong, CEO of INDEX, immersed us in a non-profit with a wonderfully straightforward description of its mission and image: “It’s all about design to improve life”.
Nomad is a magazine for design and society. It views design as a process of shaping the future and as a catalyst for social developments and individual lifestyles. Nomad magazine seeks to change the perspective of design from its status as something extraordinary to a more run-of-the-mill concept, as this gives rise to natural appreciation. Alongside a focus on the end result of the design process and the designers themselves, other aspects are explored through which the effects and future potential of design culture for individuals and society as a whole are investigated within the framework of a broader understanding of design. In this way, Nomad seeks to take new stances. Nomad offers views on a wide range of standpoints: personal and economic, cultural and global. This means that Nomad covers a wide range of subjects, in which design, social and lifestyle issues are inspirationally juxtaposed with questions on designing the future. Nomad is a magazine for new design culture, business affairs and contemporary lifestyle.
Contents: Nomad Magazine – Issue 7
Suzanne Lee
Revolutionary of the fashion industry
David Chipperfield
The Leverager
Designing The Living
Paris, Centre Pompidou
Christian Paul Kaegi
Qwstion is our answer
Philippe Malouin
Studio Visit
Marije Vogelzang
Eating designer
Iris Van Herpen
“Shift Souls” Collection
Liza Chong
Design to improve life
Bellevue di Monaco
Furnishing new lives
One World Flag
A project by Thomas Mandl
A Land’s End