Popshot Magazine – Issue 16 (the Hope Issue)

CHF 10.00 (incl. VAT)

Popshot Magazine Issue 16 (the Hope Issue) is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Our sixteenth issue, featuring a timeless collection of poems and short stories that explore hope in all its weird and wonderful ways.

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Popshot Magazine Issue 16 (the Hope Issue) is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Within its pages, we’ll find a daughter extracting memories from her mother’s mind, a couple feasting on slices of rainbow, refugees spreading roots in friendlier lands, a woman who begins to disappear from sight and someone with a small, bright bird inhabiting their chest.


Jacob Newell Armitage, Katherine Venn, Mike Fox, Rowan Dent, Tracy Fells, Lucy Winrow, Lynsey Morandin, Denni Turp, Louise Green, Craig Wallwork, Mab Jones, Elizabeth Lovatt, Miki Byrne, L P Lee, Kieran Cottrell, Ugo Okoronkwo, Geoff Bennett, Ledlowe Guthrie, James Hatton, Katie Overstall, Donna Laemmlen, Peter Grandbois and Cristina Haraba.

Illustrations: Popshot Magazine – Issue 16 (the Hope Issue)

Ivan Canu, Joanna Gniady, Luis Pinto, Pedro Semeano, Mike Lees, Mitt Roshin, Slava Nesterov, Gabriella Barouch, Pete Reynolds, Lovely Creatures, Isabel Albertos, Leib Chigrin, Natalie Barahona, Oliver McAinsh, Lauren Crow, Yu-Ming Huang and Daria Skrybchenko.

Popshot magazine is an illustrated literary publication that publishes short stories, flash fiction, and poetry from the literary new blood. Popshot magazine is published bi-annually, releasing a new issue every April and October. In June 2008, the idea for a poetry & illustration magazine materialised as a result of picking through the literary shelves of the now deceased Borders. There was a feeling that the world of poetry was driving itself into an elitest and fusty no-through road, and we wanted to do something about it. Combining illustration with poetry in a neat and beautifully designed format, in April 2009 the first issue of Popshot magazine launched, thumping its chest and quoting Adrian Mitchell’s ‘Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people’. With black pages, a sans serif typeface, and filled with vibrant illustration work, the magazine didn’t look like a poetry magazine and we were thrilled with it. In the years since, that positioning has developed into a strong reputation for quality writing, with Dazed & Confused calling the magazine “a who isn’t yet who of contemporary literature” and The List claiming that “Popshot looks for the best and finds it.”

Published by Popshot Magazine
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
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Article No. bfpopshot0016
Weight 190 g
Dimensions 27 × 22 × 1 cm

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