Roots and Wings Issue 2 is available now on Roots and Wings: The Women’s Guide to Living Authentically is a magazine that caters to the whole woman: mind, body and soul. With seven incredible articles in each section there is something in this issue for everyone, read on to find out more about just a few of the articles featured in this issue below…
Roots and Wings magazine is not a meticulously planned blueprint for an authentic life, it’s a guiding light to illuminate the wild + hidden parts of yourself that will birth your truth. Our quarterly print edition is beautifully produced + mindfully designed to cater to all aspects of a woman’s being. Each issue is heavily influenced by the changing seasons + will be split into three sections: mind, body + soul. Each of these sections will contain in-depth articles about living in a way that places connection to ourselves + to the earth as the highest priority. It is our hope that the wisdom contained in each of our issues will encourage + inspire you to embrace change + forge your own path, one that is as unique as you are. The words will be accompanied by high-quality photos of real women amongst the elements.
Content: Roots and Wings – Issue 2
Surrender to Wonderment: Between Conviction and Growth by Nanhe
a journey of learning to flow with life’s shifts + how this deep letting go can reignite wonder within us.
Reclaiming the Priestess: by Dr Sarah Coxon
an inspiring account of how uncovering your own gifts can create a ripple effect that helps other’s to do the same.
Cycles of Womanhood by Adeola Sheehy-Adekale
the second in a series of articles about the powers + challenges of each phase of the menstrual cycle. This time we meet the Mother, the archetype connected to inner Summer.
An interview with Emine Rushton
we talk about all things ayurveda, her experience of life during a pandemic, the menstrual cycle + her + husband Paul’s life changing book Sattva.
Claiming our Fullness: Bringing Ourselves out of Hiding by Bethany Webster
An unpacking of the many things that keep us small as women living in a patriarchal world + how stepping unapologetically into our power can help us when it comes to paving a new way.
Silence for the Soul by Leneth Witte
Some of the most beautiful musings on the lessons of a three day silent retreat.
128 pages, 29 x 21 cm