ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 9 is out now. Thoughts on the solidarity of tomorrow. With the increasing individualisation of society, the widening gaps between poor and rich, young and old, sick and healthy and the division of Europe into debtors and creditors, the call for solidarity is getting louder. But how can the sense of belonging together be restored in an increasingly fragmented world? Is it essential in any case? What types of solidarity are and will remain important? And what is the stuff that solidarity is actually made of?
ABSTRAKT Magazine is a handbook for the future and an inspiration to all those who look beyond the narrow horizons of conventional debates on the future and want to participate actively in designing the world of tomorrow. ABSTRAKT Magazine analyses the importance of new trends to business, science and the public and showcases hypotheses and alternative solutions for the day after tomorrow.
With articles with and by
Pascal Couchepin, Max Celko, Romano Strebel, Parag Khanna, Konrad Schmid, Barbara Bleisch, Burkhard Varnholt and Peter Krummenacher.