ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 14 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. On the art of longevity. Longevity is a goal aimed at by every entity with a life of its own: in nature and politics, by business and by us as human beings. Nevertheless, we often take short-term action. In a world that is rapidly changing the capacity to react, flee or adapt a product range at speed is essential. In parallel, long-term strategies for the day after tomorrow have to be developed and things worth preserving have to be protected. The range of longevity strategies is widely varied – and paradoxical. Parting with obsolete old ways and renewing ourselves – phoenixlike – or adhering to the status quo and weathering minor or major turbulence can be equally useful. But how do we know when to preserve, when to let go? Where do we have to create robust structures to safeguard longevity? Where is short-term thinking or a short life needed? ABSTRAKT Magazine No 14 goes in search of answers about the art of longevity. Contributors include Yuval Harari, historian and author of the international bestseller “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, Sven Regener, front man of the legendary Berlin rock ’n’ roll band “Element of Crime” and author of the cult book “Herr Lehmann” (“Berlin Blues”), and Steven Chu, Nobel laureate in physics and former U.S. Secretary for Energy under President Barack Obama.
Also available in German.
ABSTRAKT Magazine is a handbook for the future and an inspiration to all those who look beyond the narrow horizons of conventional debates on the future and want to participate actively in designing the world of tomorrow. ABSTRAKT Magazine analyses the importance of new trends to business, science and the public and showcases hypotheses and alternative solutions for the day after tomorrow.
Content: ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 14 – Forever (On the art of longevity)
ABSTRAKT Magazine No 14 goes in search of answers about the art of longevity. Contributors include Yuval Harari, historian and author of the international bestseller “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, Sven Regener, front man of the legendary Berlin rock ’n’ roll band “Element of Crime” and author of the cult book “Herr Lehmann” (“Berlin Blues”), and Steven Chu, Nobel laureate in physics and former U.S. Secretary for Energy under President Barack Obama.