ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 7 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Survival Strategies in the 21st century. The world is opening up more and more. Progressive globalisation, the continuous fall of national borders and trade barriers and relaxed copyright rules are clear evidence. For that very reason, however, a countermovement is spreading that starts where the opening process reaches its limits and tips over into an actual threat for many people. Not only in the barriers built between the USA and Mexico or the radical action taken against online sharing platforms, but also the increase in gated communities or the rapid growth of neopopulist protest parties bear witness to that. Traditional defence strategies such as barrier-building or counterattack are, however, inadequate long-term guarantees of security and prosperity. In fact, they even jeopardise these goals. «Defence – survival strategies in the 21st century» explores through factual and fantastic texts as well as appealing and funny illustrations the phenomenon of defence. What defence strategies exist? How can we arm ourselves against the complex threats of the present and the future such as the revolution in the financial markets or the growing mental stress of the achievement-oriented society?
Also available in German.
ABSTRAKT Magazine is a handbook for the future and an inspiration to all those who look beyond the narrow horizons of conventional debates on the future and want to participate actively in designing the world of tomorrow. ABSTRAKT Magazine analyses the importance of new trends to business, science and the public and showcases hypotheses and alternative solutions for the day after tomorrow.
Content: ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 7 – Defence
«Defence – survival strategies in the 21st century» explores through factual and fantastic texts as well as appealing and funny illustrations the phenomenon of defence. What defence strategies exist? How can we arm ourselves against the complex threats of the present and the future such as the revolution in the financial markets or the growing mental stress of the achievement-oriented society? With Brigitte Boothe, Philipp Sarasin, Gesa Schneider, Johannes Ring, Christopher Metzelder und dem Think Tank foraus.