While talent may be a common thread among our subjects, their dedication, sweat equity, work ethic, and their constant drive to improve the world around them is celebrated in Issue Two. Finally, we conclude with a collection of foundational recipes and techniques to explore in the kitchen, like the classic French Bouillabaisse, and the art of pasta fatta a mano.
Features: Life & Thyme – Issue 2
La Marzocco / Curtis Stone / San Sebastian / Blackberry Farm / Chef Ari / Taymor & Ashleigh Parsons of Alma / Matt Orlando / Gelateria Uli / Take Root / Small Brewpub / Portrait Series including Leah Chase, Joachim Splichal, and more
Renee Erickson / Bill Chait / Saison / Peter Giuliano
Bouillabaisse / Maccarones de Busa / Poached Eggs / Crudo / Salted Caramel Sauce