Northletters magazine Volume 2 is available now on Northletters magazine Volume 2 is our female summer edition. It has a focus on the soul and gives space to a selection of female contributors from around the globe to express themselves freely about topics that are of relevance for them. Summer is the time to slow down and to become more aware of ourselves, our bodies, souls and minds, the time to recognize what is doing us harm and what is supporting and nourishing us. Summer is the time for travelling or spending time in the countryside as well, time and space to discover the possibilities beyond our outer and inner borders. It seems, that women nowadays face a huge amount of expectations and criticism regarding their roles in society as worker, career woman, mother, wife, as emancipated women and adapted society member. NL2 is telling stories about how to become and stay self-aware, strong and well-balanced. It never was easy for women to define their constraints and take care of their souls on their own authority. NL2 has invited women to tell their stories about defining themselves. NL2 wants to inspire to discover your braveness, wishes, dreams and goals and to express them.
In Northletters Volume 2 we meet Caitlin Fullam who discovers the blending of femminine and masculine energy, Nanje Novack who reflects the art of self acceptance and Laura Lereveur who tells us of the limitations a dictated world is imposing on us. We accompany Nordic women as Christina Strehlow to her peaceful world in a 19th century house in Skåne or Gunn Kristin Monsen who takes us with her in her Norwegian country home, listening to the sound of the lake and a life full of simplicity and calming beauty. Elise Boreham from Australia reflects the impact our homes have on our inner well being: „Home is what we make it. The more you build it and nurture it, the more it will care for you.“ We discover the visual world of International artists as Noémi Ottilia Szabo, Marta Bevacqua, Charlotte Lapalus and Frieda Mellema who create a sensual and dreamy visual world for NL2.
Northletters magazine is an independent print and online publication from Hamburg, Germany throwing a light on the Nordic, its nature, its stories, its culture. Northletters magazine presents young adventurers, writers and photographers that made life decisions and experiences that might be precious for our readers. Our photographers come from the North, live in the North, travel through the North or made typical nordic decisions towards a more mindful life close to nature.
Lise Ulrich
Marta Bevacqua
Noémi Ottilia Szabo
Frederique Peckelsen
Christina Strehlow
Gunn Kristin Monsen
Charlotte Lapalus
Laura Lereveur
Frieda Mellema
Elise Boreham
Caitlin Fullam
Kam Vachon
Elisabeth Sofie Hovde
Valerie Schöneich
Nanje Novack
Aurore Morisse
Elisa Vendramin
Kristina Petrosiute
Thomas Kettner
Details: Northletters Magazine Volume 2
Softcover, 276 pages, 27 x 20 x 2,5 cm, 900 grams, FSC Certificate