Odiseo Magazine Volume 12 (Uniformity) is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Volume 12 is featuring Nationlessness by Mai Ivfjäll and a “Fake Monologue” on the criteria of mediocrity. Visual essays by Turkina Faso, Loreen Hinz, Riccardo Raspa, Dario Salamone and Simone Steenberg. Cover by Turkina Faso.
Odiseo Magazine Volume 12 is featuring a chat between the Replika founder Eugenia Kuyda and her actual AI replication, Lost in Translation which is an essay on colonialism and translation on cultures by Kingston Trinder, Deconstruction a poem on unfolding the uniform by Dominique De Groen, Mother Womb about belonging, language and nationality by the poet Mai Ivfjäll, and a “Fake Monologue” on the criteria of mediocrity from a stock photo model – photographed by Tais Sole.
Odiseo offers a sophisticated take on erotica, redefining the confines of traditional erotic publishing by balancing philosophical texts and essays with images that lie in between art and erotica. Odiseo Magazine is an independent publication for adult entertainment appealing to the confident and intelligent man of today. It includes a selection of photographic stories with an erotic point of view, accompanied by cutting-edge ideas by contemporary thinkers, paired with the most cutting edge ideas in an exquisite uncoated smooth paper. Odiseo Magazine is published twice a year by The Flames, an independent publishing venture by Folch Studio (Barcelona, Spain).
Details: Odiseo Magazine – Volume 12
Published by The Flames / Designed by Folch / English / 24.5 × 17 × 1.4 cm / 92 pages