Remedy Quarterly Issue 5 (the Community Issue) is available now on From a gastronomic society in Basque Country to a community of urban gardeners in Detroit right down to a multi-cultural community of fermentations in one woman’s San Francisco apartment, we’ve got plenty of stories to get you inspired to interact with your very own community.
If that’s not enough, we’ve got an awesome illustrated recipe from Jeannette Ordas of Everybody Likes Sandwiches and an interview with maker and baker Megan Gordon of Marge Bakery in San Francisco, all sorts of recipes and more!
Remedy Quarterly is an independent, ad-free food (printed) magazine filled with food memories and the recipes that inspired them, interviews with interesting and inspiring people in the food world, and vintage tips & tidbits. The magazine gives people, whether professional food writers or top-notch grandmas, a place to share their stories and recipes, much like the community cookbooks that inspired us. The publication is crafted with care by founder and designer Kelly Carámbula in Brooklyn, New York. It’s a printed magazine, something tangible and curl-up-withable. Each issue is printed in 2-color offset.
Details: Remedy Quarterly – Issue 5