Discover our Adventures Magazine Bundle on with at least 15% of price advantage compared to the separate editions (available while stock lasts): The Female Explorer No. 1, Folklife Magazine Issue 3 and Ernest Journal Issue 11.
The Female Explorer No. 1
Es ist soweit: in der Erstausgabe von The Female Explorer bekommt ihr jede Menge Outdoor- und Reiselust auf 204 Seiten! Die Community-Autor:innen nehmen euch mit auf ihre Abenteuer. Dazu gibt es DIYs und Rezepte für ein wildes Leben! In den Rubriken SOLO TRAVEL und OUTDOORS erwarten euch 12 Reiseberichte, Fotostrecken und Kolumnen. Kommt mit nach Island, Kolumbien, Schweden, Nordamerika und zweimal auf zwei Rädern um die Welt.
Folklife Magazine Issue 3
Folklife Magazine is a premium print publication inspired by island dwellers who live close to the earth, move with intention, and craft life as an art form. Evoking fine craftership with its minimalist design, matte aesthetic, poetic editorial, and vibrant photography, Folklife honours art and agriculture, business and creativity, food and farming, and dwellings and nature, all with a goal to slow the FOLK down.
Ernest Journal Issue 11
Ernest Journal Issue 11 is here. Ernest Journal is a printed magazine for curious and adventurous gentlefolk. It is a guide for those who appreciate true craftsmanship and the care that goes into making, who are fascinated by curious histories and eccentric traditions and who care more for timeless style than trends. It is a periodical of substance created for folk who love to build fires, embark on road trips, camp under a canopy of stars and run full pelt into the sea.