Apartamento Magazine Issue 29 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Issue 29 features: Claudia Roden, Minjae Kim, Duane Michals, Alice Mackler, Álvaro Siza, Solveig Fernlund, Joan Thiele, Choi Byung-hoon, Marco Glaviano, Sydney Loren Bennett, Reza & Mamali Shafahi, Álvaro Matxinbarrena, Sarah Ortmeyer, Kunle Martins, Mounir Neamatalla, and Brian Harding. Plus: Allen Frame remembers Darrel Ellis, Eleven Stories about Food, a trip to Adrere Amellal in Egypt’s Siwa Oasis, and ‘400 Breasts’, a short story by Fernanda Ballesteros.
Apartamento magazine is an everyday life interiors bi-annual publication written in English. A place in print for people, not just objects. It is a magazine about homes, living spaces and design solutions as opposed to houses, photo ops and design dictatorships. Apartamento features the homes and lives of creative people, both established and emerging, from all over the world. It understands interior design as a means of personal expression, showing how people arrange their homes and the solutions they find to the same problems that everyone has. Apartamento magazine puts forward a fresh and simply crafted aesthetic. It cares about the way people live and their relationships to the places they live. “Apartamento is the interiors magazine post-materialists have been waiting for” —The Moment, The New York Times.
Claudia Roden, Minjae Kim, Duane Michals, Alice Mackler, Álvaro Siza, Solveig Fernlund, Joan Thiele, Choi Byung-hoon, Marco Glaviano, Sydney Loren Bennett, Reza & Mamali Shafahi, Álvaro Matxinbarrena, Sarah Ortmeyer, Kunle Martins, Mounir Neamatalla, and Brian Harding. Plus: Allen Frame remembers Darrel Ellis, Eleven Stories about Food, a trip to Adrere Amellal in Egypt’s Siwa Oasis, and ‘400 Breasts’, a short story by Fernanda Ballesteros.
Details: Apartamento Magazine – Issue 29
21 x 14 cm, 380 pages