CURA Magazine Issue 31 is available now on and featuring essays on Rebecca Ackroyd, Farah Al Qasimi, Bianca Bondi, Maja Čule, Nikita Gale, Ilana Harris-Babou, Jamila Johnson-Small, Valerie Keane, Jade Kuriki Olivo (Puppies Puppies), Lady Skollie, Kris Lemsalu, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Precious Okoyomon, Hannah Perry, Diane Severin Nguyen, Heji Shin, Sung Tieu, Cassidy Toner, Cajsa von Zeipel, Issy Wood, Zadie Xa, and Yuli Yamagata.
CURA Magazine Issue 31 is a special issue devoted to 22 women artists—among the most representative of the new generation—and explores the plurality, diversity, and complexity of today’s artistic practices. It is another unmissable issue that continues a previous investigation on the powerful presence and key role of women artists within the contemporary art scene, re-affirming and pointing out the basic rights of equality and pluralism.
Check it out and collect the three different—already iconic—covers by artists Farah Al Qasimi, Zadie Xa, and Jade Kuriki Olivo (Puppies Puppies): Al Qasimi with her critical quest on stereotypical feminine beauty standards; Zadie Xa with her fantastical narratives at the intersection between experimentation and tradition; and Jade Kuriki Olivo with a bold portrait. Each cover highlights the cutting-edge practices of artists whose divergent approaches to art, performance, and politics speaks of the intrinsic resistance, of the emancipatory, and of the fluid state of what it means to be a (woman) artist in today’s wavering world.
CURA is a curatorial/editorial platform, founded by Ilaria Marotta and Andrea Baccin in 2009, and consists of a magazine, a publishing house, and an exhibition program that works internationally in collaboration with museums, foundations, galleries, institutions and independents. Curatorial research and critical activity developed by CURA is focused on both the investigation of new contemporary languages and on the development and implementation of new exhibition formats.
CURA magazine includes specific sections devoted to the curatorial approaches of the past and present and special interventions by expressly invited curators and artists, the actors of novel interactions between text, graphics and images. Conversations, visual essays, critical texts, thematic analyses, lab projects are just some of the various formats through which the contents of the magazine are developed and presented. The different sections allow the exploration and presentation of a wide range of artistic practices and are the facets of a single and organic research project, conducted through the pages of the magazine and also developed within the other activities of CURA platform. The paper medium is intended as a dynamic and flexible exhibition space in constant evolution, where the reader can discover the most interesting expressions of contemporary visual arts.
Details: CURA Magazine – Issue 31
240 pages, 27.5 x 21 cm, Softcover