Ethos Magazine – Issue 2

CHF 12.00 (incl. VAT)

Ethos Magazine Issue 2 is out now. Our second issue of Ethos Magazine brings you stories of ethical entrepreneurs and conscious companies from around the world. Cover star, Fairphone is the award-winning Amsterdam-based social enterprise, which has produced the world’s first ethical smartphone, the Fairphone 2.

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Ethos Magazine Issue 2 is out now. We talked to co-founder Miquel Ballester about crowdfunding, conflict minerals and the circular economy. We’ve also got stories from Belize, Beirut, Brazil and beyond; as well as the introduction of our new Ethos Meets feature, new to Issue 02, this instalment’s interview is with author and broadcaster, Mark Stevenson.

Ethos is a magazine for and about people who embrace new and innovative ways of doing business. We cover stories about the most progressive business leaders, their teams, ethos and ideas to give you a unique insight into how they’re changing how business is done.

Published by Ethos Magazine
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Article No. bfethosmag0002
Weight 170 g

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