Hamam Magazine Issue 4 (Naked) is available now on loremnotipsum.com. The theme of Hamam Magazine Issue 4 is Naked – not in the obvious sense for a bathing periodical, but as a commentary on the natural, unaltered state of things. Being naked isn’t about exposing your body. It’s about being visible, vulnerable, and ready to let go.
Hamam Magazine is a quarterly bathing publication. It launched in Summer 2020 and was named a Kickstarter “Project We Love”. We started Hamam Magazine because there isn’t a magazine already out there that cares this much about a good soak. The magazine feature essays, artist projects, photography, and interviews from contributors from all over the world. We think of bathing as one of the practices of letting go. We will explore many of these practices, but there’s no denying: we’re bathing obsessed. In these pages, we create space for the greatest liberation: the freedom of expression. Here, we offer our distinguished audience contemplative retreat. Hamam Magazine is not simply a magazine! It is an object of Letting Go that you can hold in your hand.
Artwork by Mary Herbert, Em Kettner, Yelizaveta Strakhova, and Luis Estrada
Photography by Laura Pannack and Guy Wenborne
Writing by Mika Meskanen, Rachel Walther, Lara Ögel, and Meher Varma
Conversations with Carolina Caldeira, Barry Sykes, Yvonne Billimore, and César Debargue
We also welcome back our regulars Şebnem Şoher and Mikkel Aaland.
Details: Hamam Magazine – Issue 4
112 pages, 28 x 22 cm