Printed Pages Issue 2 is out now. We asked three of the magazine industry’s top design talents to tell us about the titles which first inspired them, delved into the world of creative crowdfunding platform Kickstarter and tracked down the engineer who made the infamous Tate Modern crack a reality. We commissioned Ryan Hopkinson for a still-life series exploring the inter-sensory condition synaesthesia and asked Patternity to explain why recognising the patterns which underpin our lives is so important. Artist Kate MccGwire revealed why a filthy, industrial shed wall near her studio has been an ongoing inspiration for her work and Stuart Heritage harangues a biscuit he believes has unfairly claimed the word Nice.
Printed Pages Magazine is a publication from the people at the well-known It’s Nice That (London). Printed Pages is an arts and design magazine which focusses on depth and discovery, combining engaging and accessible content with top-notch design values. The Printed Pages Magazine was launched in 2013 and is published quarterly and mixes fantastic creative pedigree with economical pagination to present a fun, focused read.