Put A Egg On It #7

CHF 4.00 (incl. VAT)

Put A Egg On It #7 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Put A Egg On It Issue #7 is trés saucy! Boozy food photos, worldwide road food and a lovely family Easter dinner in the small burg of Iserlohn, Germany photographed by Carolin Leszczinski.

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Put A Egg On It #7 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Put A Egg On It Issue #7 is trés saucy! Boozy food photos, worldwide road food and a lovely family Easter dinner in the small burg of Iserlohn, Germany photographed by Carolin Leszczinski.

Megan Keough traces a friendship through meals while Keith Yamashita explores the story of The Chinese Kitchen through the lives and romances of its workers (including his parents who met and fell in love there). This issue also features some truly glorious dumpling recipes and more pages filled with personal stories, cooking tips and regional food products. Get your greens!

Put A Egg On It magazine is an irreverent digestsized art and literary publication out of New York City. It’s about food, cooking and the communal joys of eating with friends and family. Put A Egg On It features personal essays, cooking tips, photo essays of dinner parties and special art projects. Every issue includes a recipe section that focuses on a particular food theme. Printed on light green paper and published two times a year (Summer/Fall and Winter/Spring). Put A Egg On It is made and created by R&S Media.

Manufactured in USA
Available in English
Article No. bfputeggon0007
Weight 200 g

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