ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 12 is out now. Why a data-driven society needs more common sense. Data is regarded by many as the gold of the 21st century. And because we are generating more and more of it, there is a growing sense of euphoria. We believe that algorithms can relieve us of the burden of taking many crucial decisions on our own, help us achieve a better understanding of our environment, or even predict the future. Software companies dream of the advent of intelligent cities that know their citizens’ desires, while researchers are working on a world simulator designed to prevent economic crises and even wars. «Big Data» is the buzzword that is synonymous with the hope that more data will mean more knowledge, transparency and economic prosperity. However, when expectations are raised in this way, they must be balanced by a critical analysis of the consequences. There are already various indications that the increased volume of data will not lead to more transparency but will be lost in the white noise of the data masses.
ABSTRAKT Magazine No. 12 goes in search of answers to the question of what the data society will mean for us. The results show why there is something to be said for the continuing lack of transparency and how in the new age we will not only need better algorithms but more common sense than ever before.
Also available in German.
ABSTRAKT Magazine is a handbook for the future and an inspiration to all those who look beyond the narrow horizons of conventional debates on the future and want to participate actively in designing the world of tomorrow. ABSTRAKT Magazine analyses the importance of new trends to business, science and the public and showcases hypotheses and alternative solutions for the day after tomorrow.
With articles by
Dirk Helbing, Adam Greenfield, Spencer Chainey, Oliver Reichenstein and Roger de Weck.