Another Gaze Issue 4 is available now on and includes essays about Madeline Anderson, Lorenza Mazzetti, Laure Prouvost, Ben Rivers & Anocha Suwichakornpong, Agnieszka Holland’s Spoor, Susan Sontag’s filmmaking career, Storm De Hirsch, Zia Anger, Ashley Connor, Bruce LaBruce, Pina Bausch/Chantal Akerman, Magdalena Montezuma, Rebecca Horn, Anne Charlotte Robertson, Zhu Shengze, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Maya Da-Rin, Camila Freitas, Gong Li
An in-depth Afro-Brazilian roundtable with Tatiana Carvalho Costa, Janaina Oliveira, Everlane Moraes and Kênia Freitas; sections on Kira Muratova and Anne Charlotte Robertson; essays on subtitles, diffractive cinemas, ecocriticism/the anthropocene, literary adaptations, intimacy coordinators, strike on film, representing the internet,
Interviews with Betzy Bromberg, Zia Anger & Ashley Connor, Brett Story, Amandine Gay, Andrea Luka Zimmerman & Therese Henningsen
Experimental criticism from Kathryn Scanlan, Jen Calleja and Elissa Suh
Another Gaze was founded early in 2016 in response to the difficulty in obtaining rigorous writing – whether online or in print – about women and film: its sources being disparate, or access requiring membership of an academic institution or the will and resources to get through a ‘paywall’. Another Gaze magazine is the only self-published printed feminist journal available today. Feminist criticism is not, and should not be considered elite or specialist; nor should it require the reader to have a university degree or be a self-proclaimed ‘cinephile’. Particularly since the advent of the internet, young women, queer people and people of colour, have had the opportunity to discover films which reflect and affirm their lives and aspirations in a manner which is harder to find in the prescribed male canon, and to create their own.
The Last Good Male Film Critic – Missouri Williams
On Lorenza Mazzetti – Francesca Massarenti
“No Legibility for Some, Illegibility for All”: Subtitles, Captions, and the Pursuit of a Comprehensive World – Sasha Kohan
Towards a di ractive cinema: The video works of Amanda Baggs – Julián Gatto p30 Otherwise Notes on Being Perennially In-Between – Therese Henningsen and Andrea Luka Zimmerman
Towards an Embodied Ecocriticism: On Laure Prouvost’s ‘Shed a Light’ (2018) – Adina Glickstein
A Sense of the Sublime: In Conversation with Brett Story – Amanda Barbour
Dreamscapes and Ethnospheres: Ben Rivers and Anocha Suwichakornpong’s KRABI, 2562 (2019) – Phoebe Campion
On Agnieszka Holland’s Spoor and the di culties of translating between worlds – Lauren Collee
How Do You Solve a Problem like Duszejko?: On Olga Tokarczuk’s Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead and Agnieszka Holland’s Spoor – Missouri Williams
Imagined Adaptations – Elissa Suh
Six Men, a Yacht, and an Erection: Troubled Masculinities in Athina Rachel Tsangari’s Chevalier – Ruby Mastrodimos
A Critic Between Sontag’s Cannibals – Bessie Rubinstein
Oubliette – Jen Calleja
My Own Lens and Skin: Betzy Bromberg on Personal Filmmaking – Kathryn Siegel
Peyote Queen: Trance, Ritual and the Female Body in the short lms of Storm De Hirsch – Sophia Satchell-Baeza
The Creative Afterlife: Zia Anger’s My First Film – Rachel Stone
Zia Anger and Ashley Connor in conversation
Ashley Connor and the Cinematography of Teenage Female Identity – Nicole Davis
Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Deuce, & the Rise of Intimacy Coordinators – EC Flamming
Cumming Back to Life – The Horrors of Heteronormativity in Bruce LaBruce’s Otto; or, Up with Dead People – Vivien Cahn
Sleepwalking Lessons: Repetition and Insistence in Chantal Akerman and Pina Bausch – Zara Joan Miller
For Magdalena Montezuma – Julia Sirmons
Desirous dreams: the feminist erotics of Rebecca Horn’s Berlin Exercises in Nine Parts (1974-5) – Evelyn Whorrall-Campbell
Describing the world otherwise: Anne Charlotte Robertson’s Five Year Diary – Anjo-marí Gouws
A Durational Reading of Anne Charlotte Robertson’s Five Year Diary – Kathryn Scanlan
Strike on Film: Madeline Anderson’s ‘I Am Somebody’ – Mimi Howard
Mr Zuckerberg, Tear Down My Wall: Karim Amer & Jehane Noujaim’s The Great Hack and Zhu Shengze’s Present.Perfect – Rebecca Liu
Sense-Making From The Ground Up: On The Films of Beatriz Santiago Muñoz – Gazelle Mba
Interview with Director Amandine Gay on her Film Speak Up (Ouvrir la voix) – Cassie da Costa
The Field of Vision: Maya Da-Rin and Camila Freitas – Laura Davis
In Conversation With Maya Da-Rin – Beatrice Loayza
Towards a Quilombo Cinema: A conversation between Everlane Moraes, Janaína Oliveira, Kênia Freitas, and Tatiana Carvalho Costa – Tr. Lillian Maguire and Natalia Davies.
Unrequited Passions: Notes on Kira Muratova Muratova – Lizzie Homersham p222 Queer Bloc: Situations, Generations, Nations – Lina Žigelytė
No Such Thing As Society?: Kira Muratova’s Redemptive Materialism – Georgie Carr
Gong Li’s Rebellious Transformations – Beatrice Loayza
Against Lists – Elena Gorfinkel
Details: Another Gaze – Issue 4
228 pages