Bikevibe Magazine Volume 8 (Lisbon) is available now on Lisbon (Portugal) has a lot to offer, but we figured that it was necessary to know about the history of this city and the people to understand where their cycling culture were heading. We would not only feature the city cycling culture it self this time, but actually show how a city can change for the better.
Bikevibe is a new magazine from Oslo (Norway), published biannually. With Bikevibe we aim to capture the bicycle vibe and culture in cities all over the world. We feature everything from stores, events, brands to culture, places to explore and the overall interest, to give you a feel of the city from a bicycle point of view. The first issue was published in 2015. Bikevibe magazine has featured cities like Portland, London, Milan and Oslo. Further cities to come. Bikevibe also publishes stories from their Bikevibe issues, stories produced in between issues and videos from some of their favorite features through out. There are several cities featured in recent issues of Bikevibe Magazine: Lisbon, Paris, New York City, London, Milan, Portland and Oslo.
Details: Bikevibe Magazine Volume 8 (Lisbon)
200 pages, 26 × 21 cm, Softcover