Ethos Magazine – Issue 5

CHF 12.00 (incl. VAT)

Ethos Magazine Issue 05 is out now. In issue 05 of Ethos we look at everything from Arctic innovation, to new farming methods that could revitalise the industry.

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Ethos Magazine Issue 05 is out now. We meet Andra Keay, of Silicon Valley Robotics, who outlines her visions for the future and how the tech industry needs to be more inclusive. We look at whether eating insects could be the answer to an impending global crisis; and we also look at Tony’s Chocolonely who are making 100% slave-free chocolate and writing their own rules as they do it. The world may be on the verge of disaster, but luckily there’s still people out there doing the right things.

Ethos is a magazine for and about people who embrace new and innovative ways of doing business. We cover stories about the most progressive business leaders, their teams, ethos and ideas to give you a unique insight into how they’re changing how business is done.

Published by Ethos Magazine
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Article No. bfethosmag0005
Weight 170 g

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