Flamingo Magazine Issue 3 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. Flamingo, the magazine that celebrates doing-it-yourself, is back for its third issue. We believe that creativity, community and grassroots culture are the most fascinating things in life, and our Homes and Habitats Issue celebrates something we feel especially strongly about: home. More than just where we lay our heads at night, home is where we feel safe and – to a certain extent, at least – can offer us happiness. When comfort and peace is found in our environment, it provides the perfect conditions to make and create. Our Homes and Habitats Issue explores environments around the world – from the changing face of UK street food, to narrowboat communities, to what it’s like to walk solo around the planet.
Flamingo magazine was founded in 2010. It is an illustration, arts and music magazine that celebrates doing-it-yourself. Investigating alternative lifestyles, we believe that creativity, community and grassroots culture are the most fascinating things in life. This is Flamingo’s online incarnation, which acts as a platform for showcasing creative talent. Collective in spirit, we aim to involve as many people as possible so that we provide a ready-made network for young and emerging artists. Flamingo Magazine (based in London) is published biannually by The Flamingo Arts Project.
Content: Flamingo Magazine #3
Flamingo, the magazine that celebrates doing-it-yourself, is back for its third issue. We believe that creativity, community and grassroots culture are the most fascinating things in life, and our Homes and Habitats Issue celebrates something we feel especially strongly about: home. More than just where we lay our heads at night, home is where we feel safe and – to a certain extent, at least – can offer us happiness. When comfort and peace is found in our environment, it provides the perfect conditions to make and create. Our Homes and Habitats Issue explores environments around the world – from the changing face of UK street food, to narrowboat communities, to what it’s like to walk solo around the planet.