Flaneur Magazine Issue 4 is available now on loremnotipsum.com. New York-based Roman photographer Fabrizio Amoroso performed and witnessed miracles on the street; a watermelon-filled fountain, a ruin turned into a lake and a saint climbing a ladder. Roman artist Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli assembled a geographical archive in which the coordinates are prey, a fish caught in Rome’s Tiber. Along every step of the catch, the animal’s transfiguration and preservation were documented. Again, the magazine experiments with film, in and beyond its pages, as Roman filmmakers Matteo Zoppis and Alessio Rigo de Righi are confronted with a mysterious door, the keeper of its keys and parrots. Artist and Villa Massimo resident Annika Larsson displays her recorded sound archive of the street in lists, photographs and notes.
The heart of Flaneur Magazine Issue 4 is Questione Romana, an experimental faux panel discussion debating the future of the street and hence of Rome. The panel is formed by eleven individuals ranging from architects and curators to journalists, artists and politicians. Their answers are in the form of edited dialogues, sketches, archival material and guerrilla interventions. Traces of Resistance, a regular series by editor Fabian Saul, is the historical counterpoint to this discussion of the future, taking the reader through different historical epochs and moments of Roman history.
Discover Flaneur Magazine – Issue 4 (Rome).
Flaneur magazine is an awarded, nomadic, independent magazine focussing on one street per issue. The magazine embraces the street’s complexity, its layers and fragmented nature with a literary approach. The content of the magazine is produced with and for Flaneur by artists of all disciplines while the team spends two months on location. It is made using a collaborative, impulsive and unconventional approach. The magazine attempts to use a single microcosm to tell universal stories.