GRÆS Magazine Issue 3 (Food & Drink) is available now on This issue continues the GRÆS method of looking at a topic from the perspective of a language and culture lover who enjoys seeing the world. It’s packed with bilingual texts, several of which touch upon the idea of “taste nostalgia”, something that many expats experience. Just like its readers, GRÆS knows how to have fun with an academic subject like linguistics, which can unfortunately be seen as rather dry.
Among other things, there are cartoon-like illustrations based on interesting food idioms from multiple languages, a text about the creativity and sexuality of food metaphors in English, Romanian, and Hungarian, and even a short horror story from Greece about a sweet lady who loves to bake with questionable ingredients for her community. It’s the latest and most mature issue yet, made for an audience that loves to eat, but is also linguistically curious.
GRÆS Magazine is an independent publication that promotes a multilingual, international lifestyle by exploring one theme every issue through the lens of language, travel and culture. For those of you who do not know yet, Græs is the danish word for grass. GRÆS is a magazine in which you will find articles, stories, interviews, photo essays, etc. on a specific theme per issue. In this first issue, we explore the many meanings of the word ‘home’. The content has been created by a group of people who lead the lifestyle that this magazine promotes. Several have created their homes, both mentally and physically, away from their place of birth. Others have embraced their original homes and are very happy to stay there, even after having explored a bit of the world. Nevertheless, they are people who like to jump around from one piece of land to the next, experiencing, learning and communicating. One could even say that they are kind of like (grass)hoppers.
- The Full English Breakfast – A love letter
- Maslina / Olive
- Chá
- La Cuisine d’Olga / Olga’s Kitchen
- Do You Sell бо́за?
- The Taste of Nostalgia
- An Italian in Vietnam
- The Art of Kseniya
- Mrs. Z
- Connecting Through Food
- Apple
- Mealtime Meanings
- Une Coupe Pour La Route / One for the Road
- Linguistic Creativity in Metaphors About Food
Details: GRÆS Magazine – Issue 3
156 pages, printed using high-quality offset printing