MacGuffin Magazine Issue 12 (The Log Issue) is available now on The Log takes a walk in the woods to explore the design and politics of timber. From the last Norwegian trunks that floated down the Glomma to the indigenous logs that help map the Amazon, and from Jamaican lacebark trees to online chatbots: meet the logs that function as totems, design tools, oracles, wormholes, comic figures, activist artworks, village idiots, prison cells, logbooks, nightmares and dreams.
MacGuffin Magazine Issue 12 is featuring: James Beckett, Khaled Jarrar, Emily King, Eliot Haworth, Rudy Guedj, Ellef Prestaeter, Olga Prader, Formafantasma, Santídio Pereira, SulSolSal, Max Lamb, Kai Lobjakas, Angélica Klassen, Lou-Lou van Staaveren and many more.
MacGuffin magazine is a new and unusual design & crafts publication from Amsterdam. It features fabulous stories about the life of ordinary, often anonymously designed things. Each biannual edition takes an object and explores the manifold stories it generates. Like the MacGuffins in Hitchcock films, these things are not the main characters, but the plot devices that set the story in motion. With each issue based around a single object, MacGuffin magazine is a platform for fans of inspiring, personal, unexpected, highly familiar or utterly disregarded things. Widely recognized as a fabously designed and immaculately researched design & crafts biannual, it is an indispensable resource for all those who want backstage information about the Life of Things.
Details: MacGuffin Magazine – Issue 12
224 pages, 27.5 × 21 cm, Softcover