MOOD Magazine – Issue 5

CHF 17.00 (incl. VAT)

MOOD Magazine Issue 5 is out now and embraces summer the best way MOOD knows how: with lots of drinks! In this issue you’ll find drinking games, a night on the hunt for the right cocktail and a recipe for a delicious Calypso-inspired cocktail.

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MOOD Magazine Issue 5 is available now on embraces summer the best way MOOD knows how: with lots of drinks! In this issue you’ll find drinking games, a night on the hunt for the right cocktail and a recipe for a delicious Calypso-inspired cocktail. MOOD Magazine Issue 5 is out now. But it’s not all about drinking this summer. It’s also about barbecuing, going to the beach, taking a vacation (to San Francisco perhaps) and staying caffeinated so we can spend those extra hours of light wide awake. Issue 5 doesn’t only embrace the heat, but also gives you something to look back on when the harsh winter returns.

MOOD Magazine is a quarterly publication about music and food. For it’s creators, not many things can beat a good record and a delicious meal. Maybe a well-written story, or a gorgeous photo. Well, that’s all in MOOD. The magazine looks at music and food in a cohesive and unique way, with a keen eye to design and high quality writing. Its contributors are located around the globe, and the stories span accordingly. Mario Villar Sanjurjo and Emma Hovel are the cofounders of MOOD magazine and are currently located in Brussels, Belgium. Mario is a journalist from Gijón, Spain. Emma is a graphic designer from Minneapolis, Minnesota. They coordinate a group of talented writers and photographers based around Europe and North America which make MOOD magazine possible.

Content: MOOD Magazine – Issue 5

In this issue you’ll find drinking games, a night on the hunt for the right cocktail and a recipe for a delicious Calypso-inspired cocktail. MOOD Magazine Issue 5 is out now. But it’s not all about drinking this summer. It’s also about barbecuing, going to the beach, taking a vacation (to San Francisco perhaps) and staying caffeinated so we can spend those extra hours of light wide awake. Issue 5 doesn’t only embrace the heat, but also gives you something to look back on when the harsh winter returns.

Published by MOOD Magazine
Manufactured in USA
Available in English
Article No. bfmoodmag0005
Weight 400 g
Dimensions 29 × 22 × 1 cm

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