Pallet Magazine Issue 3 is out now. Beery stuff! A Japanese zero-waste brewery that’s saved an entire community. “Star Pours” beers. Actor Tony Hale on politics, faith, and sharing a beer with C.S. Lewis. The unexpected places good beer can take you in work, relationships, and travel. Non beery stuff! Iceberg hunting in the Newfoundland waters. Artist Barry McGee’s obsession with trash. When Brian Wilson met Charles Manson. How Bruce Lee morphed from the cha cha to the cinema.
Pallet is a premium print quarterly for people with curious minds and adventurous palates. Or put more simply, those who like to think and drink. Pallet uses beer, subtly, as a conduit to the things we love: interesting conversation, great writing, science, history, photography, music and more. coupled with eclectic content that stretches beyond beer, pallet is for anyone who is intellectually nosey.
Printed on deluxe stock, perfect bound, and with a minimum of 144 pages