Sonshine Magazine Issue 17 (Mental Health) is available now on This issue is all about mental health, something that is so important, especially when it comes to raising our boys.
Of course, being Sonshine, we’re all about thinking about positive advice and changes we can make to support our children’s mental health, including talking to the NSPCC about their new campaign aiming to reach young men and boys and an exploration of ‘eco-anxiety’.
Plus a section on learning and development, as we get ready for Back to School season and some fun puzzles, jokes and games to keep younger Sonshiners happy!
“Raising boys for a more equal world” …Sonshine Magazine was founded by Kirstie Beaven and Hayley Grove. We are writers, feminists and parents of boys. We met when we had our first children, but really bonded over the year of hell that came with two children under three, numerous house moves and what seemed like a never-ending winter. Sonshine Magazine fills the gap that we found while trying to teach our boys that girls and boys are equal. Sonshine Magazine has been created to explore the challenges and the joys that come with raising kind, thoughtful and empathetic (as well as loud, boisterous and hilarious) boys. We haven’t got a recipe for this but we hope that creating a change in the way we view boyhood, we can begin to change the way they will experience manhood.
Details: Sonshine Magazine – Issue 17
English, 20 x 26 cm