The Great Discontent Traveler – Issue 2

CHF 14.00 (incl. VAT)

The Great Discontent Traveler Issue 2 is out now. Entertainer and musician Reggie Watts improvises his creative path and creates work that recontextualizes experiences; the band Kllo learns to trust the process and let go in order to continue evolving their sound; artist and designer Maja Dlugolecki balances work and play, in her studio and out in nature.

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The Great Discontent Traveler Issue 2 is available now on In this issue: Entertainer and musician Reggie Watts improvises his creative path and creates work that recontextualizes experiences; the band Kllo learns to trust the process and let go in order to continue evolving their sound; artist and designer Maja Dlugolecki balances work and play, in her studio and out in nature; and artist and programmer Zach Lieberman builds community and embraces the gift of curiosity. TGD Traveler is the perfect travel-sized version of our beloved large format magazine—small and light enough to take anywhere—packed with the same inspiring content our readers love. Each issue contains 4 features with today’s artists, makers, and risk takers.

The Great Discontent (TGD) is a magazine featuring interviews on beginnings, creativity, and risk. Cofounded by Ryan & Tina Essmaker, TGD launched online in August 2011 and has grown to include a print counterpart, a short film series, and other content-related projects and collaborations. In January 2014, they decided to embrace risk and shake things up. They simultaneously quit their day jobs to focus on The Great Discontent and launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for their first printed issue. After a nail-biting 30-day campaign, the TGD community helped raise enough money to take the magazine to print. The duo began working on the magazine immediately, teaming up with Brooklyn-based designer Frank Chimero of Another to assist with editorial design and art direction.

Details: The Great Discontent Traveler – Issue 2

64 pages / 6.5” x 9.25” (164 x 236 mm) / FSC-certified uncoated paper, offset-printed/saddle-stitched

Published by The Great Discontent
Manufactured in USA
Available in English
Article No. bfgreatdis-travel0002
Weight 130 g
Dimensions 26 × 20 × 3 cm

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