Disegno Magazine No. 38 is available now at loremnotipsum.com. Yui Tezuka climbing onto the roof of her childhood home; the digital legacy of Bandai-Namco’s Tamagotchis; building an educational space in nature with ANO Ghana; a seaside trip to Hat Projects’ new business centre; ÉCAL students’ thirsty furniture; a visit to Erich Mendelsohn’s first ever building and a journey through desecrated graves; Yuri Suzuki’s AI-generated sonic architecture; cave_bureau’s bid to save Mt Suswa from water scarcity; Nigel Shafran’s beautifully everyday workbooks; Stephen Burks Man Made’s work to sculpt objects honouring ancestors; experiments led by Folkform at the last Masonite factory in Sweden; celebrating the natural composition of linoleum with Christein Meindertsma; and making energy output physical with Industrial Facility.
Disegno Magazine is aimed at those who are hungry for updates on architecture, design and fashion. The three aspects of vanity are very neatly compiled into one very special magazine and it is the most sought out magazine as it graces the stands only twice in a year. The magazine has inspired a legion of architecture, interior designers and fashion designers for many years – it is revered by the designing community in the world. The magazine has beautiful and explanatory illustrations of the latest architectural masterpieces erected across the world which is usually followed up by the input of the chief architecture and views of a critic at the end of it. The fashion section is a true fest for the eyes and gives the reader essential information regarding the hottest trends in the market. There are numerous interviews of the top fashion designers of the world and their take on the dying fashion, the latest fabric in use and other related areas. Featuring a section which answers the questions asked by you, these queries are answered by the esteemed line-up of contributors to the magazine. A must have for every design enthusiast!
Details: Disegno Magazine No. 38