Uppermost in our thoughts is lager – world-beating beer behemoth, insipid non-choice of the masses or a much misunderstood, complex and multi-faceted classic style. We bring you the lesser known story of lager’s rise to world domination, from the frozen forests of Patagonia to the Great Exhibition in Paris. We help you distinguish your Dunkels from your Dortmunders and we pit the best of British and American craft brews head-to-head in a re-run of The Revolutionary War. Away from beer we’ve been set on fire by a shaman, serenaded by a porn star, shocked by the Eggnog Rioters and seduced by the most beautiful bottles in the world. After reading about that lot you’ll probably need a drink. How about vodka’s rightful national drink, virgin’s spit porridge, baby poo wine or an anti-malarial aperitif?
Hot Rum Cow magazine is an independent publication for people who are fascinated by great beers, wines & spirits – and the extraordinary stories behind them. The Hot Rum Cow magazine is named after a warm cocktail made from rum, milk, brown sugar and nutmeg. Some people love it, others don’t get it – and that’s exactly the sort of magazine we are publishing. Hot Rum Cow magazine was published four times per year by White Light Media (Edinburgh).