Hot Rum Cow – Issue 6 (The Future Issue)

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Hot Rum Cow Issue 6 (The Future Issue) is available now on Welcome to the age of synthetic alcohol, edible bottles, cloud cocktails, sober pills and robo-bars. It’s not booze as we know it. It’s future boozing.

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Hot Rum Cow Issue 6 (The Future Issue) is available now on Welcome to the age of synthetic alcohol, edible bottles, cloud cocktails, sober pills and robo-bars. It’s not booze as we know it. It’s future boozing.

Hot Rum Cow magazine is an independent publication for people who are fascinated by great beers, wines & spirits – and the extraordinary stories behind them. The Hot Rum Cow magazine is named after a warm cocktail made from rum, milk, brown sugar and nutmeg. Some people love it, others don’t get it – and that’s exactly the sort of magazine we are publishing. Hot Rum Cow magazine was published four times per year by White Light Media (Edinburgh).


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Published by Hot Rum Cow
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Available in English
Reading situation Coffee Shop · Home
Article No. bfhotrumcow0006
Weight 400 g

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